Rebecca Contreras is the author of Lost Girl – From the
Hood to the White House to Millionaire Entrepreneur,
which recounts her journey from becoming a
welfare-dependent teenage mother to advising a sitting
president, to driving a successful 100-person company.
Rebecca is a social and business entrepreneur who spent
nearly twelve years with the George W. Bush legacy, first in
Texas as his Director of HR then in DC in the White House as
a Commissioned Officer supporting the Presidential
transition. She started her fifteen-year service in government
in a welfare-to-work program for Texas icon Ann Richards
and achieved tremendous heights in her success.
Far more than a rags-to-riches story, Lost Girl presents Contreras’s self-reflection of how she
first survived in El Paso and endured the hardships of the life she was born into, and later
overcame obstacle after obstacle through self-determination, faith, and a few helping hands.